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Sustainable development goals post 2015: ensuring a security development linkage in the forthcoming Global Agenda

Descripción rápida
Autor:Simone Lucatello, Robert Zuber
Tipo documento:Libro
Editorial:Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora
Año publicación:2015
Materia:Derecho, Economía, Política / Ciencias políticas
PDF ISBN:No disponible
EPUB ISBN:9786079294786
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US$ 13,00   €13,91
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This e-book explores the connections and interplay between development and security in the post-2015 scenario. Around the world, ­illicit and trafficked weapons are jeopardizing community and national development, and perhaps nowhere more so than in Mexico and Central America. Despite improved government transparency, respect for a greater concern for human rights, new regional security and judicial arrangements, and a higher place on the United Nations agenda at a time when post-2015 goals are ­being set, weapons and related security challenges are still undermining development in Mexico and Central America. This volume offers a variety of perspectives and regional analyses on the many links ­between security and development, with texts by UN specialists, academics, and those implementing policies, who contribute their ideas on how to create more peaceful, inclusive societies to support a robust, post-2015 development framework. Sustainable Development Goals Post-2015: Ensuring a Security Development Linkage in the Forthcoming Global Agenda, addresses a number of fundamental questions: What will be the role of security in the post-2015 ­agenda? To what extent do UN member states understand effective development approaches in order to implement the ideas of the so-called “peace goal”? What is missing from current discussions about the security and development nexus?

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